Where we'd usually be excited to throw ourselves into these seasonal traditions, we're now wary of the new risks they're accompanied by. And these fears might have many of us worrying about whether or not we can safely celebrate at all! Don't stress; holiday celebrations are still a go for 2020. Things will just look a little different this year. It's still the season to be jolly, even if it's just you, your partner, and your two and a half children. The holiday season is special because of who you spend it with, not because of how many people you can fit around your dining table. So what does hosting a stress-free and socially distant celebration look like this year? By researching the guidelines provided by the CDC, we were able to put together a few tips and tricks to help ensure no holiday season is left behind! However, it's also important to note that the CDC recommends that you check and follow your state, local, or territorial-specific laws, as they may be different from what the federal government proposes. So wear a mask, wash your hands, and take a dive into the end-of-year festivities!